Bioidentical hormone therapy, also referred to as bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), involves the use of hormones that are molecularly identical to those produced naturally in the body to supplement declining hormone levels. This cutting-edge therapy can help both men and women overcome symptoms related to age and hormonal imbalance, restoring wellness, vitality, and quality of life.

Why Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are structurally the same as the hormones produced in the human body. That makes them easily recognized and properly utilized by hormone receptor sites. In contrast, non-bioidentical versions contain slightly altered molecular structures that must undergo additional metabolic processing before use.

For individuals with hormonal imbalances causing undesirable symptoms, properly balancing hormones with bioidentical versions tailored to their needs brings prompt relief. Close matches to the body's own hormones avoid issues posed by synthetic ones.

Assessing Your Hormonal Health

Determining if a hormonal deficiency or imbalance underlies unpleasant symptoms requires diagnostic blood, saliva, or urine testing. Reference ranges help indicate optimal values, but ideal numbers can vary based on factors like age, gender, menopausal status, and lifestyle.

If testing reveals hormone concentrations below ideal thresholds, custom-compounded bioidentical hormone therapy serves to safely and effectively elevate them. Follow-up assessments ensure proper dosing for your individual needs.

Why Test Hormone Levels?

Hormonal issues often fail to get recognized. Nonspecific complaints like fatigue, sexual problems, weight gain, sleep disruption, hot flashes, and mood changes may be blamed on other causes when hormones are actually at fault.

Testing key hormones uncovers imbalances that specifically explain nebulous symptoms. It also provides objective data essential for developing personalized treatment plans using bioidentical hormones.

What Hormones Get Checked?


Common assessments include estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA. Thyroid and adrenal hormones also frequently enter the picture. Measurement of FSH and LH indicates menopause onset.


Evaluating testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, and DHEA makes up foundational testing. Further assessment of thyroid, cortisol, and related hormones helps optimize treatments.

Saliva, Blood, or Urine Testing?

Each testing method has particular strengths and applications:

  • Saliva – Convenient for steroid hormone assessment. Checks bioavailable rather than total amounts. Best indicates tissue levels.
  • Blood – Gold standard for reproductive and protein-based hormones. Can detect minute quantities with precision.
  • Urine – Useful for comprehensive metabolic profiling. Checks hormone breakdown products and clearance rates.

Test hormones. Balance naturally. Restore wellness.

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Renew Health Clinic

With over 15 years of experience, Renew Health Clinic leads the field in the safe, effective prescription of bioidentical hormone therapy tailored to the unique needs of each individual.
Our fellowship-trained hormone specialists stay current on the latest advancements in precision hormone balancing. State-of-the-art diagnostics and innovative treatments help patients overcome hormonal issues and related symptoms.
In addition to specialized expertise and advanced testing capabilities, Renew Health Clinic provides convenience with online scheduling, telemedicine appointments, and swift prescription fulfillment through our onsite compounding pharmacy.

Whether you are a man coping with low testosterone or a woman struggling with perimenopause or menopause, Renew Health Clinic has the knowledge, experience, and passion to help you reclaim your health.

Restoring Hormonal Homeostasis

The practice of using bioidentical hormones to restore optimal balance comprises both art and science. It requires specialized expertise in:

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

  • Obtaining the right lab tests
  • Interpreting results correctly
  • Linking hormones to symptoms
  • Pinpointing areas needing support

Developing Individualized Treatment Plans

  • Selecting the right bioidentical hormones
  • Determining optimal doses, routes, and timing
  • Adjusting protocols based on follow-up testing
  • Monitoring progress through ongoing partnership

Replenishing deficient hormones to achieve homeostasis relieves symptoms and enhances wellness. Remaining within the safe range further bolsters the benefits.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Effects and Benefits

Common Symptoms Relieved

Women Men
● Hot flashes ● Night sweats ● Vaginal dryness ● Urinary urgency ● Mood swings ● Anxiety/irritability ● Fatigue ● Sleep disruption ● Brain fog ● Loss of stamina ● Increased body fat ● Muscle loss ● Low libido ● Erectile dysfunction ● Depression/irritability ● Poor concentration ● Fatigue ● Insomnia

Broader Health Benefits

Restoring optimal hormone levels additionally:

  • Strengthens bones – Estrogen, testosterone, and growth hormones enhance bone density
  • Builds muscle – Testosterone stimulates muscle protein synthesis
  • Improves heart health – Estrogen lowers LDL and raises HDL cholesterol
  • Enhances weight/fat loss – Thyroid and growth hormones increase metabolism
  • Sharpens mental function – Estrogen, testosterone, and DHEA boost cognition
  • Bolsters immunity – Estrogen, testosterone, and DHEA support immune cell functions
  • Combats inflammation – Estrogen and testosterone curb inflammatory cytokines
  • Elevates mood – Serotonin, GABA, endorphins, and other key neurotransmitters get modulated
  • Increases resilience – Better stress adaptation from balanced HPA axis hormones

Documented in thousands of studies, the wide-ranging benefits of bioidentical hormone optimization make it a pivotal anti-aging and preventive health strategy for both women and men.

Test hormones. Restore balance. Regain wellness.

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Individualized Treatments

Every bioidentical hormone therapy prescription Renew Health Clinic provides is carefully tailored to the patient's needs at each stage of treatment.

Overcoming hormonal deficiencies and imbalances hinges on custom-crafted approaches responsive to:

  • Diagnostic test results
  • Symptoms
  • Medical history
  • Risk factors
  • Treatment goals

Follow-up testing further informs adjustments for continually optimizing the benefits of treatment over time.

Hormones, Doses, and Delivery Methods

The particular bioidentical hormones, doses, and delivery methods making up treatment protocols depend on the deficiencies and imbalances uncovered during diagnostic assessments along with patient symptoms, needs, and preferences.

  • Estrogen – Biest (estradiol/estriol mix) capsules, estradiol tablets; estradiol/progesterone creams
  • Progesterone – Progesterone capsules, micronized progesterone cream
  • Testosterone – Testosterone tablets, gels, creams, pellets, injections
  • DHEA – DHEA capsules
  • Thyroid (T3/T4) – Liothyronine/levothyroxine tablets
  • Melatonin – Melatonin tablets

Doses aim to optimize levels within ideal ranges. We avoid excessively high doses, closely monitoring to ensure safety.

Treatment Considerations for Women

Perimenopause and Menopause

For women in midlife dealing with fluctuating and declining hormones, properly balancing estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone serves to alleviate uncomfortable symptoms while protecting long-term health.

Estrogen eases hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disruption, vaginal dryness, bladder issues, brain fog, and mood instability. The right progesterone balance guards against estrogen excess.

Adding sufficient testosterone back counters low libido, fatigue, mental fuzziness, and weight gain. We carefully prescribe testosterone to avoid risks posed by too much.

Renew Health Clinic treatment plans help women seamlessly transition through perimenopause into menopause while enjoying excellent symptom relief, emotional stability, restored wellness, and sustained quality of life.

Hysterectomy and Oophorectomy

Surgical removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) often includes removal of the ovaries (oophorectomy), abruptly shifting women into surgical menopause. Crashing estrogen and testosterone levels devastate physical health and emotional well-being.

Implementing prompt hormone therapy is crucial for effectively managing surgically-induced menopause. Renew Health Clinic swiftly intervenes with properly balanced bioidentical hormones to resolve symptoms, minimize bone loss, and reduce heart disease and dementia risk.

Treatment Considerations for Men

Androgen Deficiency

After age 30, testosterone levels gradually fall. But today's exposures and stresses accelerate the decline, resulting in earlier and more severe androgen deficiency in men. Low testosterone causes:

  • Loss of strength, stamina, and muscle tone
  • Weight gain - increased belly fat
  • Cognitive impairment – brain fog, memory lapses
  • Dampened motivation, confidence, and drive
  • Erectile dysfunction and reduced libido
  • Loss of positive sensations - fewer pleasures and rewards

Recharging testosterone revives men's power, performance, and passion for living. It also reduces metabolic disease, obesity, osteoporosis, heart disease, and Alzheimer's risk.

Renew Health Clinic expertly prescribes testosterone and supplementary hormones in bioidentical forms and doses optimized to each man's needs for safely and effectively overcoming deficiencies, eliminating frustrating symptoms, and enhancing physical and mental functioning.

Lifestyle Factors for Optimal Hormone Therapy Outcomes

While bioidentical hormones serve as the centerpiece of treatment, optimizing lifestyle appropriately supports and amplifies benefits. Our clinicians provide personalized guidance regarding:

Nutrition – Specific dietary changes to better balance blood sugar, curb inflammation, support detoxification, and supply needed micronutrients can make hormone therapy far more effective. We offer nutrition plans tailored to your needs.

Exercise – New research shows certain types of workouts potently boost testosterone and growth hormone levels while also improving insulin sensitivity. Our exercise strategists create custom fitness plans amplifying hormone therapy benefits.

Stress Management – Chronic stress disrupts hormone pathways, undermining treatment efforts. Learning effective relaxation techniques restores hormonal balance, supercharging treatment outcomes. We teach stress mastery skills vital for success.

Sleep Hygiene – Poor sleep sabotages hormonal health. Prioritizing proper sleep enhances the body's hormone-regulating circadian rhythms and directly affects treatment efficacy. We provide sleep optimization guidance essential for best results.

Toxin Avoidance – Environmental pollutants and chemicals dysregulate hormones through endocrine disruption. Reducing exposures improves hormone balance and offsets hormone resistance for better treatment outcomes.

The Earlier the Better for Hormone Testing and Correction

Ideally, hormone balance gets checked and corrected:

  • In the 30s – For staying ahead of age-related decline
  • During perimenopause – For smoothing the transition
  • At menopause onset – For preventing short and long-term consequences
  • With hysterectomy/oophorectomy – For promptly managing surgical menopause
  • When symptoms appear – For quickly resolving discomforts and health issues

The substantial and wide-ranging benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy make it wise to begin treatment sooner rather than later. Detecting hormone deficiencies early and addressing them proactively with bioidentical hormones pays big dividends in terms of health, quality of life, and longevity.

FAQs About Bioidentical Hormones

Are bioidentical hormones natural? While manufactured in a lab for precision dosing, bioidentical hormones match natural hormones molecularly to be fully recognized and utilized by the body, making them effectively natural. < details>

Are bioidentical hormones safer than synthetic?

With identical molecular structures, bioidentical hormones don't require extensive metabolic processing prior to use as synthetics do. They bind receptors appropriately and cleanly metabolize away just like native hormones, conferring greater safety. < details>

Do bioidentical hormones have side effects?

The close-matching structures of bioidentical hormones make them extremely well-tolerated with few side effects in most people. We prescribe carefully, avoiding excessive doses, to prevent adverse reactions. < details>

How are bioidentical hormones administered?

Oral capsules, sublingual tablets, topical gels and creams, injectable solutions, and sustained-release pellets allow for a variety of effective delivery methods tailored to patient needs and preferences. < details>

Why shouldn't I just do estrogen replacement alone?

Estrogen requires a balancing amount of progesterone to avoid unopposed stimulation possibly increasing cancer and blood clotting risk. Bioidentical combination therapy ensures safety.


Balancing key hormones using replacement dosages of bioidentical versions attuned to your individual biochemistry offers transformative revitalization for those dealing with low energy, sexual issues, hot flashes, weight gain, sleep problems, memory lapses, and emotional difficulties.

Renew Health Clinic stands ready to become your partner along the path to meaningful renewal. Contact them to learn more and get started on the journey toward reconnecting with your vital, vibrant, and healthy best self through the power of expertly-guided bioidentical hormone therapy.

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